Aaron Gayden/Krista White/Dinner and Jazz
6-8PM THIS EVENING @ The Cafe Formerly Known As Frontside Cafe
660 Auburn/Folsom Rd Ste. 105 in Auburn
660 Auburn/Folsom Rd Ste. 105 in Auburn
You have to eat anyway!
So you might as well really enjoy yourself and have an early evening on the town!
Great food + Great music=Great time!
Come see Krista and me, eat lots of food and there you go!
You didn't even have to think "What am I going to do for fun and food tonight?"
Who could ask for anything more?
Actually, YOU COULD!
Let's pack The Cafe and so that we can bring
Briana Lee, Steven Randal, Grant Reeves and Alvin Henry along next time! See you at 6!
Blessings and thanks!!
Aaron Gayden
(530) 718-2421 cell