
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Seven Answers For Seven Questions

In the way of preamble, I say only this. Go to this link or none of this will make any sense.
The Seven Questions of Manuel
Thanks to Manuel Luz for the  questions. Go and read Manuel at manuelluz.wordpress often and carefully.

Ok, so you're back.

1. I am comfortable with my voice but I'm not knocked out by it. I think and hope I'm an interesting, capable and creative singer.

2. If I was a visual artist, as a practical matter, I'd want to in a prestigious gallery because I would at least theoretically be a position to support my family with my art.

3. I greatly appreciate any positive feedback I get for the audience but I am very mindful of my peers because they travel the same or a similar road as I do. That does give peer respect a bit more weight.

4. King David, so many reasons why? He's a role model personally and professionally. Flawed as he was he was a man after God's own heart and a excellent musician and songwriter. I'm a huge fan on so many levels.

Sting, because what a palette. What a musical journey? And it has been a long term goal to lead Sting and Bonnie Raitt to Christ.

5. Generally artistic integrity for me has been just as important as commercial success. I am constantly trying to figure out how to attain the both. That's the very short answer...

6. What in the world do I do RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!
I have few regrets so it's hard to answer part II, but here goes. Get a team together that will allow you to do the parts that God created YOU specifically ASAP!!!!

7. I like the term Artist of Faith. It seems much more accurate and broad based than the other two. I'm not one for pigeon holing...

Bonus: This needs to be a year of reclamation and renovation on all three levels as last year was unbelievably... challenging and tumultuous. I very much believe I need a harvest this year and I am willing to receive from the Lord what that is supposed to look like and work like crazy to do my part. I would love it if the Lord would allow part of that to mean working with my family (extended as well) and creating opportunities for the artists I know, love and believe in.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Welcoming An Unbelievable 2015

This past year has been unbelievable. And as a dear and wise friend once told me, unbelievable is a word that cuts both ways...

2014 was truly unbelievable. We had more twists, turns and jolts in our life that a barrel of electric eels. We have more questions than answers in my professional life and in our future than I would care to right now. I had truly hoped that we would have a tremendous story of victory and promise by this time of this year. But that has not been yet occurred. I am striving to do and to be only what God wants me to be this year and I will fall, fail and rise up one more time than I fall...

There was a (hopefully wise) man who once wrote: "Don't know what God has in store for me, but I know His way is right. He didn't pick me up just to leave me in the night." I know this to be true. And though I don't always know, agree with or understand how events and situations in life can be worked out for my good, I have gained (thanks to a definitely wise and insightful man) an amazingly powerful understanding of what this passage really means and I am just about to start incorporating it into my biblical worldview.

Romans 8:28,29
28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. 29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son...

I don't know what God has in store for us this year. I would be lying if I said I don't hope and pray that 2015 if vastly different from 2014 (read different as "better"). I would be incredibly ungrateful if I didn't say thank you God for 2014 for the amazing amount of love and recognizable blessing that I have had poured out on me and my family. 2014 has been filled with the blessings of marriages, and graduations, ups and downs, surprises great and terrible. It has truly been an unbelievable year and I pray that 2015 is (to be honest ) a more easily appreciated brand of unbelievable.

John 14:1
Jesus said, "Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust in me."

God bless you all (in ways that you can comprehend as blessings). I love you all but not nearly as much as He does.