There are two particularly dangerous places for a black person in the US today. One is among other black people and the other is, very specifically, the womb.
*There is some political rhetoric in the article and I can't help that. Please get past that to the substance of the matter.
It's about time. It's one of the things that I find most enraging in the black community. I refuse to be a victim, I advocate hard work, speaking proper English, marriage as the context for raising children as opposed to Uncle Sam doing it. But most of all, I believe INNOCENT "Black lives matter". I hope and pray that there are more blacks figuring out that *Sanger was not a friend of black people and most sadly many inner city blacks are not the friends of black people. We kill each other in the streets by the thousands every year and attack the police when one of our criminals gets themself killed. It's insanity. Generally, I believe there are only two races of people, the decent and the indecent. But it seems at times that many of my people are hell bent on self genocide in America and it's heartbreaking.
*Whether you believe Sanger was trying to decimate the black population or not this is not a proportionate number of abortions in the US.
US since 1973: Roe vs Wade
Black babies aborted since '73 in US
We're accomplishing Sanger's dream and obliterating MLK's.
This is NOT the point:
They matter when they’re taken by other blacks, too.
Mitch Landrieu -Mayor of New Orleans
So, those of you that believe in God, please pray with me. If you don't believe in God send some good thoughts. Because this is serious and real. One of the enemies is within and doing a much more effective job than any external enemy could. All races creeds colors, religions or lack thereof, gender class, economic status, good, bad, whatever, I love you all. Decent people, (and that is most of you across every group) I also respect you and applaud you. And all decent people can and should be able to find ways to work together. Can we please do that? Again, I truly love you all!
In 2012, there were more black babies killed by abortion (31,328) in New York City than were born there (24,758), and the black children killed comprised 42.4% of the total number of abortions in the Big Apple, according to a report by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
The report is entitled, Summary of Vital Statistics 2012 The City of New York, Pregnancy Outcomes, and was prepared by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Office of Vital Statistics. (See Pregnancy Outcomes NYC Health 2012.pdf)
The report is entitled, Summary of Vital Statistics 2012 The City of New York, Pregnancy Outcomes, and was prepared by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Office of Vital Statistics. (See Pregnancy Outcomes NYC Health 2012.pdf)
It's about time. It's one of the things that I find most enraging in the black community. I refuse to be a victim, I advocate hard work, speaking proper English, marriage as the context for raising children as opposed to Uncle Sam doing it. But most of all, I believe INNOCENT "Black lives matter". I hope and pray that there are more blacks figuring out that *Sanger was not a friend of black people and most sadly many inner city blacks are not the friends of black people. We kill each other in the streets by the thousands every year and attack the police when one of our criminals gets themself killed. It's insanity. Generally, I believe there are only two races of people, the decent and the indecent. But it seems at times that many of my people are hell bent on self genocide in America and it's heartbreaking.
*Whether you believe Sanger was trying to decimate the black population or not this is not a proportionate number of abortions in the US.
US since 1973: Roe vs Wade
Black babies aborted since '73 in US
We're accomplishing Sanger's dream and obliterating MLK's.
This is NOT the point:
Black on Black Crime vs White on White Crime
Is there police brutality? Yes. Is there white and white crime? Yes. It's all bad. But
I'm tired of the excuses. Can we please stop killing our babies? Stop killing each other? Stop making excuses. "There's a disproportionate number of Black men being killed by white police officers." We scream "No justice, no peace!" while we through rocks at police over a thug that was legitimately chased down because he was fleeing from a crime he'd committed. It's insanity. There are millions of us (black people) that refuse to live this way. But that is not newsworthy.
Is education a problem? Yes. Is opportunity a problem? Yes. But is one of the biggest problems is the fact the we elevate being uneducated. We discourage education. We prop up thug life. We escalate the issues and don't accept that there are actually white people that are not racist. Of course, some are. People of any race and economic strata can be racist. I was raised to be a content of character person. And truth be told, I've experienced more racism at the hands of other blacks than whites. Have I been a victim of more empowered white racists that black racists? (And, I refuse to be held captive to victim hood. I refuse to embrace it. I refuse to excuse myself because of it. I have already risen har above it.) Yes. But let's not fool ourselves that you have to be powerful to to be racist. This is not about the past. This is about the future.
The bottom line is we need to work on the content of our character before we eliminate ourselves all together. You can't control what others do. But you can control what others see. You can control how you are percieved. What we're representing and prsenting is often not raising us up, it's taking us down. I'm not saying our demise is imminent. But I am saying we are not heading in the right direction.
A very long but important article:
Black lives don’t matter only when they’re taken by police.Is there police brutality? Yes. Is there white and white crime? Yes. It's all bad. But
I'm tired of the excuses. Can we please stop killing our babies? Stop killing each other? Stop making excuses. "There's a disproportionate number of Black men being killed by white police officers." We scream "No justice, no peace!" while we through rocks at police over a thug that was legitimately chased down because he was fleeing from a crime he'd committed. It's insanity. There are millions of us (black people) that refuse to live this way. But that is not newsworthy.
Is education a problem? Yes. Is opportunity a problem? Yes. But is one of the biggest problems is the fact the we elevate being uneducated. We discourage education. We prop up thug life. We escalate the issues and don't accept that there are actually white people that are not racist. Of course, some are. People of any race and economic strata can be racist. I was raised to be a content of character person. And truth be told, I've experienced more racism at the hands of other blacks than whites. Have I been a victim of more empowered white racists that black racists? (And, I refuse to be held captive to victim hood. I refuse to embrace it. I refuse to excuse myself because of it. I have already risen har above it.) Yes. But let's not fool ourselves that you have to be powerful to to be racist. This is not about the past. This is about the future.
The bottom line is we need to work on the content of our character before we eliminate ourselves all together. You can't control what others do. But you can control what others see. You can control how you are percieved. What we're representing and prsenting is often not raising us up, it's taking us down. I'm not saying our demise is imminent. But I am saying we are not heading in the right direction.
A very long but important article:
They matter when they’re taken by other blacks, too.
Mitch Landrieu -Mayor of New Orleans
So, those of you that believe in God, please pray with me. If you don't believe in God send some good thoughts. Because this is serious and real. One of the enemies is within and doing a much more effective job than any external enemy could. All races creeds colors, religions or lack thereof, gender class, economic status, good, bad, whatever, I love you all. Decent people, (and that is most of you across every group) I also respect you and applaud you. And all decent people can and should be able to find ways to work together. Can we please do that? Again, I truly love you all!
Praying with you. If we do not defend the voiceless innocent -- who will?
ReplyDeleteThank you. There is a lot of need out there and I was recently challenged to fill a need since I have seen the need...