
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Lend A Helping Hand...


Life is not easy for any of us.  And when the body is struck by disease or injury it can be absolutely devastating! Tim Gilson is the son-in-law of my dear Twinner, Wanda Dwyer. (She and I sustained walker/crutch  inducing injuries on the same day last year and so between us had one decently working pair of legs.) He was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis which is scar tissue building up in the lungs causing shrinking and hardening. This resulted in a miraculous double lung transplant on March 11. But of course, there are huge physical and financial hurdles that follow such events in people's lives. As you know, I am a full-time musician, meaning I am not in the top percentile of wage earners in our nation. But I DO want to make a difference in people's lives, particularly, Tim and Amanda's. Here's where you come in. Wanda, my Twinner, will take over at this point.

Wanda Allen Dwyer via Team GilsonTo all my FB friends, I can't say it any better than my daughter, Amanda, has said it. And if you don't know or remember why we are doing fundraising, Tim, her husband, had a double lung transplant March 11, 2012. There are a lot of costs not covered by insurance. Oh, and if you don't what to purchase, may I suggest, songs #3, 4 12 and 18...just saying!"Tim and I have truly been blessed with a wonderful support system comprised of some pretty amazing people. Aaron Gayden is just one of those people and has opened his generous heart to our cause. Through the month of April half of all profits from songs sold will be donated to our fundraising efforts. So when you get a sec check out his talent and buy some tunes! Promise you will not be sorry."

Aaron Gayden Band | Auburn, CA

This is the most recent update from Amanda:
Team Gilson
"The last few days has been full of small complications for Tim. Last weekend Tim was taken to the ICU because he was having a hard time breathing and his heart rate was very high. They ended up putting a chest tube in on his left side and within 30 mins they drained over 2 liters of fluid. After that Tim's breathing got better and his heart rate came down. He was sent back to his room on Sunday. Monday came with its own set of complications but Tim got through them with the help of his mom. Tuesday he felt a tad bit better but come Wednesday, Tim was physically and mentally exhausted. Even though he was exhausted he was able to force himself to do exercises once an hour for 5 hours with the help from Amanda and his cousin Dave. Today the doctors are putting another chest tube in his right side because there's still too much fluid around his lungs. Even though he will have two chest tubes, Tim is determined to continue with the hourly exercises as well as working with the physical and occupational therapists everyday. The next few weeks are going to be tough on Tim as he pushes himself more and more each day. Everyone's support has been great and we truly appreciate each and everyone of you! Thank you."

We all hope you can help Tim and Amanda through this trying time. (And I hope and think you'll be blessed by the music.) You can lend a helping hand. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERNCE! God bless you for your support and God bless us, every one!

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